زيارة رئيسة جورجيا للبطريركية الأورشليمية

إستقبل غبطة البطريرك كيريوس كيريوس ثيوفيلوس الثالث مع عدد من آباء أخوية القبر المقدس من أساقفة وكهنة صباح يوم الأربعاء الموافق 22 كانون ثاني 2020 في دار البطريركية فخامة رئيسة دولة جورجيا السيدة Salome Zourabishvili  مع الوفد المرافق لها المكون من سفير دولة جورجيا في إسرائيل السيد لاشا وعدد من دبلوماسيي السفارة الجورجية.

غبطة البطريرك رحّب برئيسة جورجيا بكلمة القاها أثناء اللقاء:

“Your Excellency, Mrs. President, Salome Zourabichvili,

 It is an honour to receive you today at Our Patriarchate, the Mother of all Churches, here in the Holy City of Jerusalem. It was from here where the Good News spread to every nation, including the great country of Georgia.

Our Patriarchate represents the entire Christian Community in the Holy Land, “gathered like chicks under her wing” (Luke 13:34), comprising both local Christians as well as millions of pilgrims from around the world who come to Jerusalem for spiritual refreshment.

Since the very inception of the Church, the presence of Our Patriarchate has remained unbreakable. In fact, it is the only institution in the Holy Land to have survived throughout the ages without interruption. This is not by accident. It is precisely due to the commitment of the Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre to Our spiritual mission that not only our Christian presence and sacred heritage has thrived, but also Jerusalem has been able to maintain her unique multi-cultural and multi-religious character. For a significant period, Jerusalem even served as a cultural and spiritual centre for Georgia. The Patriarchate is heartened by the fact that it facilitates so many various groups of people who come to seek proximity with the Divine.

Although the role of the Patriarchate is spiritual, fortunately We have not been limited by this in Our contribution to discourse across diplomatic and governmental spheres. In the wake of recent political challenges, the integrity of Our Patriarchate has served as a powerful testament to the benefits of nurturing mutual-understanding, acknowledging common life, and advocating for peace and reconciliation among all people. To this effect, We continue to be protected and even embraced by the local governments, i.e. Israel, the Palestinian State, and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and of course supported by the major religious communities – Christian, Muslim, and Jewish as well.

Such support is critical to the vitality of the Patriarchate’s continued mission and work as the protector of physical and spiritual Christian heritage. After all, We do not represent ourselves here, but all of you – our Orthodox brothers and sisters – many of whom reside under the auspices of your leadership.

 Mrs. President, again We extend Our warm welcome to you and your delegation, and We pray that your visit to Jerusalem be blessed and fruitful, and that the Divine Grace of the holy places sanctified by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, remain with you and your countrymen.”

غبطة البطريرك قام بتكريم رئيسة جورجيا بصليب القبر المقدس تقديراً لعطائها لشعبها ولكنيسة جورجيا وللعلاقات الجيدة التي تربط دولة جورجيا بالبطريركية الأورشليمية. 

بدورها شكرت فخامة الرئيسة غبطة البطريرك على هذا التكريم وأكدت أنها على أساس هذه العلاقات ستبدأ صفحة جديدة بين بلدها والبطريركية كما تُملي عليها ماضي هذه العلاقة.

بعد نهاية الزيارة في البطريركية  قامت رئيسة جورجيا بزيارة كنيسة القيامة برفقة صاحب الغبطة وعدد من آباء أخوية القبر المقدس وطلبت بركة ونعمة القبر المقدس للنجاح في مهمتها من أجل ازدهار أمتها وبلادها.

مكتب السكرتارية العامة


زيارة الكنائس والطوائف المسيحية في القدس لأخوية القبر المقدس بمناسبة عيد الميلاد المجيد


قامت الطوائف المسيحية قبل ظهر يوم الأربعاء الموافق 9 كانون ثاني 2020 بزيارة البطريركية ألاورشليمية لمعايدة أخوية القبر المقدس بعيد الميلاد المجيد حسب برنامج الزيارات التقليدية للكنائس المسيحية بمناسبة الأعياد والتي تهدف لتقارب وتوطيد العلاقات الأخوية وتعزيز التعاون بين جميع الكنائس في الأراضي المقدسة, وتمت الزيارات حسب البرنامج التالي:

1-  زار البطريركية وفد من أخوية الفرنسيسكان مع الرئيس الروحي للأخوية ألاب فرنسيس باتون وهنأ غبطة البطريرك وأخوية القبر المقدس بالأعياد المجيدة, ونوّه على دور غبطة البطريرك في تعزيز التعاون مع الكنائس ودوره حماية وصيانة المقدسات. بدوره شكر غبطة البطريرك أخوية الفرنسيسكان على هذه الزيارة ألاخوية والقى كلمة شكرٍ باللغة ألانجليزية:

“Your Paternity, dear Father Francesco,

Your Eminences,

Your Graces,

Beloved Members of our Respective Brotherhoods,

Dear Fathers,

We welcome you, dear Father Francesco, and the members of your Brotherhood, to our Patriarchate, and we thank you for your kind greetings to us as we celebrate the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our joy finds expression in our worship, as we sing;

Make glad, O ye righteous; greatly rejoice, O ye heavens; ye mountains dance of joy, Christ is born!

(Nativity Matins, Tone 4)

Our joy at this Christmas season is grounded in the faithfulness o f God the Logos made flesh, “who has visited us from on high” (Exapostilarion from Nativity Matins). Our joy is made complete in this divine-human encounter, and it is in this joy that we seek to be faithful to the mission that has been entrusted to us by Divine Providence.

Our fraternal gathering in joy today, calls to mind the significance of our united witness that we have made in our diakonia in guarding and serving the Holy Places.

As it has been mentioned, we have accomplished much, and our working together has proved immensely effective. This has been demonstrated in our historic agreement to restore the foundation of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and to restore the Grotto of the Nativity. While to some these may seem simple the care of ancient monuments, we know full well that the significance of the Holy Places goes well beyond bricks and mortar.

In joining together to restore the foundation of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the Grotto of the Nativity, we are declaring our absolute commitment to the essential spiritual character of Jerusalem and the Holy Land, of which these two magnificent Churches and all the Holy Places are living testimony. And they are a living testimony precisely because they are places of worship and sources of refreshment, nourishment, and consolation that strengthen the Christian faith of the believer, both near and far.

We have also born collective witness to the historic and sacred rights and privileges of the Christian communities here. Our united voice in opposition to radical elements that threaten the fundamental character of Jerusalem and the Holy Land as a truly multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-religious society has sounded abroad, and we have the support of governmental and religious leaders around the world. We continue to face huge threats, especially to the Christian Quarter and access to many of our respective administrative centres, as well as to the Holy Sepulchre and the Churches and Monasteries in the Old City, but in our standing together we have sent a clear message that we shall be faithful in our God-given mission.

All this is a sign of great hope to the world. For we are charged in the Holy Land of keeping alive the flame of the Gospel and the values of the Bible in a world that is torn by confusion and destructive activity that is so contrary to the Christmas message of peace and reconciliation that we confess. As Saint Paul says in the First Letter to the Corinthians; “It is to peace that God has called you…for God is a God not of disorder but of peace” (1 Cor. 7:15, 14:33).

As we keep this joyous Christmas feast, let us pray for strength and inspiration from the true Light, who is the Sun of righteousness and the Prince of Peace who has come into the world, and assumed our common human nature from the pure flesh of the Virgin Mary. For “this Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (cf. John 1).

MAY God bless you, dear Father Francesco, the members of your Brotherhood, and the communities committed to your pastoral and spiritual care.

Thank you.”

2-  بعد أخوية الفرنسيسكان زارت باقي الطوائف المسيحية مع رؤسائها البطريركية, وفد من البطريركية اللاتينية على رأسه غبطة البطريرك بيير باتيستا بيزابيلا, الكنيسة ألانجليكانية , الكنيسة اللوثرية, الكنيسة القبطية, الكنيسة ألاثيوبية والكنيسة السريانية, والقى غبطة البطريرك ثيوفيلوس الثالث كلمة شكرٍ باللغة ألانجليزية:

“Beloved Fellow Heads of the Churches,

Your Excellences,

Your Eminences,

Your Graces,

Dear Fathers,

Brothers and Sisters,

Christ is born!

Let us glorify Him!

We welcome you warmly to our Patriarchate in this Christmas season, and we thank you for your greetings to us for the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ. We rejoice together in the great mystery of the Incarnation of the Divine Logos, as we say in one of our Orthodox services this time;

How shall I tell of this great mystery?

He who is without flesh becomes incarnate;

The Word puts on a body; the invisible is seen;

He whom no hand can touch is handled;

and He who knows no beginning now begins to be.

(Vespers of the Synaxis of the Theotokos)

Our gatherings on these occasions are more than casual acts of public courtesy. In this holy season, when we visit each other in celebration of the Nativity, and exchange greetings, we are actually doing two things.

First of all, we are showing to the world that, while we do not share a Eucharistic and doctrinal unity, we do share a Christian fellowship in the common mission of our martyria – our witness – to sacred history and to the life of the Christian communities of the Holy Land. As this common mission has drawn us closer, we have experienced the fruits of this in many ways. We have worked together successfully in the care and renovation of the Holy Places – especially the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. We have common cause in the preservation of the historic and sacred rights and privileges of the Churches. We are united in safeguarding our places of worship and sacred properties. We are committed together to ensure the well-being of the Christian presence in Jerusalem and the Holy Land. And we are never reluctant in affirming the Christian character of Jerusalem. For Jerusalem we shall not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake we shall not rest.

Our gatherings, however, have a deeper significance even than this. For when we come together in such fraternal ways, we are showing to the world the eternal truth that the Incarnation of the Divine Logos transcends all human categories. When we confess the name of our Lord Jesus, He is in the midst of us, as He promises. For our Lord Jesus Christ has assumed our common human nature and revealed our common human destiny, and this message of hope for the world is of paramount importance. Christ is the revelation of divine justice in all its fullness – justice that is united in mercy and love – that goes beyond our human reason. At this Christmas, with our hearts we cry out for justice and peace, and it is God’s justice and peace we long for.

Our mission, dear brothers and sisters, is not for ourselves. Our rootedness in the Holy Land is not to promote narrowly parochial or confessional interests. Our rootedness ensure that the Christian presence in the Holy Land is a living and active community, and that the Holy Places are not just relics of the past, but sources of real spiritual nourishment and refreshment.

If we were not here, who would come here? When we think of other ancient Christian places, now bereft of a living Christian community, places like Cappadocia and Ephesus, for example, while the relics of these places remain, their soul is gone. It is because of our Christian presence here that Jerusalem and the Holy Land are a living place, and not simply a tourist attraction.

The Incarnation of the Divine Logos is our common ground, our shared identity as the Christian Churches and Communities of the Holy Land, and it is all this that we show to the world when we gather as we do today. Let us never, tire in building up this fellowship beyond these ceremonial occasions, so that we MAY continue to grow in faithfulness to our common mission in maintaining the Christian character of Jerusalem and the Holy Land.

We wish to express our gratitude to you for our work together in the past, and we look forward to extending this work in the years to come.

MAY God bless you and the communities you serve, and MAY we all enjoy the blessings of this Holy Christmas season and the promises of the New Year.

Thank you.” 

نيابة عن غبطة البطريرك قام سيادة رئيس أساقفة فسطنطيني كيريوس أريسترخوس السكرتير العام للبطريركية مع وفد من أخوية القبر المقدس بزيارة الكنائس القبطية, السريانية والأثيوبية للمعايدة والتهنئة بعيد الميلاد المجيد.

مكتب السكرتارية العام

معايدة أخوية القبر المقدس للكنائس الغربية في القدس بمناسبة عيد الميلاد المجيد

قام غبطة البطريرك كيريوس كيريوس ثيوفيلوس الثالث مع وفد من أخوية القبر المقدس بزيارة تهنئة للكنائس الغربية في القدس التي إحتفلت بعيد الميلاد المجيد حسب التقويم الغربي كما هي العادة في كل عام.

وزار وفد الأخوية أولا أخوية الفرنسيسكان ومن ثم البطريركية اللاتينية, وكان في استقبال غبطة البطريرك مع الوفد البطريركي الرئيس الروحي لأخوية الفرنسيسكان الأب فرنسيس باتون مع آباء الأخوية, والقى غبطته كلمة معايدة في مقر أخوية الفرنسيسكان:

“Your Excellency, Father Francesco,

Your Eminences,

Your Graces,

Beloved Members of our Respective Fraternities,

Dear Fathers,

We are delighted to greet you, dear Father Francesco, as you and your community celebrate the Christmas Feast. It was your venerable founder, Saint Francis, who created the first Christmas crib scene, as he attempted to focus the people on the great truth of the incarnation of the Divine Logos and away from worldly pursuits. Ans so we sing at this season:

When the creation beheld you born in a cave,

You, who hung the whole world in the void above the waters,

it was seized with amazement and cried:

“There is none holy save you, O Lord.”

(Irmos, Compline of the Forefeast)

This is our proclamation at this and every Christmas season, that there is only One who is holy, our Lord Jesus Christ, who is “the expectation of the nations and the salvation of the world.”

As we face the many challenges that beset us in our region, we do so in the conviction that this region in which our sacred history has unfolded down the generations remains able to mediate the essence of the divine-human encounter that finds its fulfilment in the incarnation. And we contend that in this region, the human witnesses to this sacred history – that is our Christian communities – must be able to live and flourish.

We remain, dear Father Francesco, deeply aware of, and grateful for, your firm commitment to the well-being and flourishing of the Christian communities of the Holy Land and your unwavering partnership in guarding and serving the Holy Places, ensuring that they remain places of worship open to all, without distinction. We acknowledge with gratitude your role in the Council of the Heads of the Churches of the Holy Land, and the significant leadership that you exercise.

As a clear sign of this, we have the recent agreement that we have signed together with the Armenians for the completion of the restoration of the foundations of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

Our deepening unity of purpose and principle continues to be of such importance as we work together to ensure that he Christian presence in our Holy City and this Holy Land remains strong and vital. We must resist the pressure of radical groups who wish to alter the fundamental integrity of our multi-ethnic, multi-religious, and multi-cultural landscape, and undermine the Christian character of Jerusalem. We remain firm on the crucial Jaffa Gate issue and pray to God for the grace to be firm in our resolve. For the life of the world depends on maintaining Jerusalem as a home for all people of good will, where all may co-exist peacefully and with mutual respect.

As we celebrate this joyful season, therefore, let us do so confident in our God-given mission. And let us rejoice with the angels at the birth  of the Son of God, who is “the Word made manifest”, who “has assumed the material substance of our flesh” and who has “in his ineffable providence taken up his dwelling among us” (Compline of the Forefeast, Canticle Four).

We wish you, dear Father Francesco, and your Fraternity, a blessed and holy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

Thank you”.

بعدها زار وفد أخوية القبر المقدس البطريركية اللاتينية في القدس حيث كان في إستقبالهم غبطة بطريركي اللاتين بيير باتيستا بيزابالا, وهناك القى غبطة البطريرك كلمة أخوية القبر المقدس:

“Your Excellency, dear Archbishop Pizzaballa,

Your Excellency, Archbishop Girelli,

Your Eminences,

Your Graces,

Dear Fathers,

Beloved in Christ

It is with great joy that we greet you, Your Excellency, dear Archbishop Pizzaballa, and congratulate you on the joyful celebration of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ. The whole creation rejoices at the birth of the Son of God, as we sing in the words of Vespers of the Forefeast of the Nativity;

Lo, the time of our salvation is at hand.

Make ready O cave;

the Virgin draws nigh to give birth.

Be glad and rejoice, O Bethlehem,

For from you our Lord has shown forth like the dawn.

(Stichera Tone two)

The glory of the incarnation of the Divine Logos can never be dimmed. Whatever the concerns of the present moment, whatever the circumstances of our human history, our sacred history, which has unfolded in this Holy Land, remains a true beacon of light, hope, and witness for a confused and anxious world. Even now our sacred history “shines forth like the dawn”.

As we gather once again for our respective Christmas celebrations, we do so in the face of ongoing challenges to the well-being of the Christian communities of this Holy City and our region. We continue to be firm in our conviction with respect to the proper ownership of the Jaffa Gate properties, and our intention to guard and maintain the Christian character of the Holy Places in general and of Jerusalem in particular.

We are also giving our best efforts to encourage the government to take its part in collaboration with us in ensuring that the Holy Places have the essential services that they need to support both the local Christian community as well as the many thousands of pilgrims who come to worship at them every month. As you are well-aware, all these matters are ongoing, and demand constant vigilance.

But we persevere. And we persevere in deep thanksgiving for the growing unity of purpose and resolve that we share. We shish to take this opportunity to thank you, dear Archbishop Pizzaballa, for your unswerving commitment to the multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious landscape of the Holy Land, and the vitality of the Christian presence here. We thank you, too, for working with us and the other Christian Communities in the Council of the Heads of the Churches for the Holy Land, which has been articulating clearly of our common Christian witness in the Holy Land.

Our unity of purpose in maintaining a vibrant Christian presence in this Holy City and in the Holy Land is a matter of hope and encouragement to the world, and in this mission, we must never lose heart. For in this work together, we show to the world the truth that “Christ comes in his love to humankind, “to save the man He fashioned” (Stichera Tone Two). The fundamental purpose of our life here is the proclamation of the Gospel of salvation to the world, and the care of the Christian communities in the place where the salvation was made manifest.

So, as we greet you at the time of this great feast,

Let us celebrate…

raising our minds on high,

let us go in spirit to Bethlehem;

and with the eyes of our soul

let us look upon the Virgin,

as she hastens to give birth to our God,

the Lord of all.

(Aposticha Tone One)

MAY the true Light that shines from the cave never be dimmed, and may it be our strength and our consolation as we strive to be faithful to the calling that we have been given.

We wish you, dear Archbishop Pizzaballa, your clergy, and all the communities entrusted to your care, the richest blessings of this Christmas season and a happy New Year.

Thank you”.

مكتب السكرتارية العام


غبطة البطريرك يُكرم سيادة متروبوليت آنيا كيريوس مكاريوس من البطريركية المسكونية

، استقبل غبطة البطريرك كيريوس كيريوس ثيوفيلوس الثالث بعد ظهر يوم الخميس الموافق 17 تشرين أول 2019 في قاعة الاستقبال في البطريركية العديد من الحجاج من مطرانية نيا إيونيا مع الأرشمندريت إبيفانيوس ومجموعة أخرى من الحجاج من بلغاريا وأمريكا.

خلال اللقاء تحدث غبطة البطريرك إلى الحجاج عن القدس كمدينة مقدسة ، والتي سُفيت وتقدست بدم ربنا يسوع المسيح على الصليب, وعن بركة المقدسات التي ينالها الحجاج  خلال زياراتهم.

كان حاضرا في هذا اللقاء مع مجموعة مطرانية نيا إيونيا سيادة متروبوليت آنيا كيريوس مكاريوس من البطريركية المسكونية.

تم تكريم صاحب السيادة مطران أنيا من قبل غبطة البطريرك بوسام فرسان القبر المقدس الأعلى، تقديراً لاحترامه ودعمه للبطريركية الأورشليمية ، وكذلك تقديراً لعمله الروحي والرعوي الطويل.

متأثراً شكر سيادة متروبوليت آنيا غبطة البطريرك على هذا التكريم, وأشار الى علاقته مع آباء أخوية القبر المقدس الأكبر سناً خلال حياته الطلابية في كلية هالكي,  منهم سيادة متروبوليت باترا كورنيليوس، المثلث الرحمات متروبوليت بتوليمائيس أركاذيوس, المثلث الرحمات متروبوليت قيصارية باسيليوس, والمثلث الرحمات الأرشمندريت صفرونيوس.

مكتب السكرتارية العام

نائب وزير الخارجية اليوناني يزور البطريركية

قام نائب وزير خارجية اليونان السيد أنطونيوس ديامانتاريس يوم الجمعة الموافق 4 تشرين أول 2019 بزيارة البطريركية ، كجزء من جدول أعماله في زيارته لدولة إسرائيل ورافق السيد نائب الوزير القنصل العام لليونان في القدس السيد خريستوس سوفيانوبولوس, وكان في إستقباله غبطة البطريرك كيريوس كيريوس ثيوفيلوس الثالث مع عدد من آباء أخوية القبر المقدس.

خلال اللقاء تحدث غبطة البطريرك حول الوضع الراهن في المدينة المقدسة ومكانة المسيحيين في المناطق التابعة للبطريركية ، وأيضاً عن دور البطريركية التاريخي في الحفاظ على المقدسات باعتبارها إستمرار لتاريخ الإمبراطورية البيزنطية.

كحاج في الأراضي المقدسة ، قال السيد ديامانتاريس إنه سعيد بهذه الزيارة ونقل تحيات واحترام رئيس وزراء اليونان إلى صاحب الغبطة. علاوة على ذلك ، أبدى نائب الوزير  إهتمامه بدور البطريركية الثمين والمتعدد.

تقديراً لدعمه للبطريركية ، قام غبطة البطريرك بتكريم السيد ديامانتاريس بوسام فرسان القبر المقدس, وأعطى بركته الأبوية لزيارة كنيسة القيامة المقدس.

مكتب السكرتارية العام